Extremist Republicans on the Supreme Court have ripped away our fundamental rights.

We are fighting back.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build power to restore Roe, protect our fundamental rights, and strengthen our democracy. Expand SCOTUS Now! is a new kind of digital effort organized by PACtheBench. We are building a Democratic Party – at all levels – that will do whatever is necessary to restore our rights, including expanding the Supreme Court with additional Justices. Our strategy is to “build the bench” of elected officials who support our cause by using new, aggressive, digital tools and strategies.

“This extremist court has shown that it is not interested in advancing the equal administration of justice. It’s time to rebalance the Supreme Court to create one that is.”

Elizabeth Warren wants to pack the bench

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Our Strategy

Our strategy is a three-prong attack on politics-as-usual. It starts local and it starts with you.

We will do whatever it takes to win back our rights. We will expand the Supreme Court by adding new Justices, if necessary, to restore our fundamental rights to privacy, abortion access, marriage equality, fair elections, and a livable climate for our children. 

To create pressure behind this agenda, we are supporting candidates that support defending our fundamental freedoms, and aren’t afraid of court reform or expansion. We are developing advocates up and down the ballot to “build the bench” of strong leaders who will advance our cause  – no matter what.

activist with megaphone

We Empower

We are searching out strong advocates running for office at the local, state, and federal levels. We will provide the funding and community they need to win.

We Pressure

We are building a stronger Democratic Party that not only accepts, but requires, our elected officials to support an aggressive approach to restoring our rights.

We Activate

We are a small-dollar, grassroots funded movement. We are activating young people and the politically discouraged to re-engage with our political system with hope that we can fundamentally improve our democracy.

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